About Us

About Us

Hello! My name is Tracy, the founder of Wild Side Sea Moss. I have always been a strong believer that all plants and herbs were put on this earth to sustain, feed or heal us.
So what led me to Sea Moss becoming my favorite daily routine in my best foods journey? I was in search of something that would help me with menopause weight gain. I avoid prescription drugs because they only mask the symptoms and don't get to the root cause of the issues.
I researched for months on end, trying many different so called solutions just to find that I still couldn't budge the scale even though I was eating well and exercising. Still searching I came across Sea Moss. As I was studying all the many wonderful benefits of this ocean plant, one thing really popped out at me. Sea Moss can help regulate the thyroid, this tiny gland controls several body processes including metabolism and mood. The Thyroid gland has significant impact on several body functions including hormone balance, our bodies require Iodine to help maintain a proper Thyroid function and Sea Moss is a great source of Iodine. Sea Moss also contains Fucoxanthin a substance demonstrated to enhance fat metabolism.
So with all of the other benefits that Sea Moss can provide it was a no brainer to give it a go. Sea Moss is not a magic bullet but after several weeks I was starting to feel its nutritional benefits helping my body. I was experiencing more energy, a better mood and a steady weight loss. This has made me extremely happy after being stagnant for so long.
I believe in this product whole heartedly that I knew I just needed to be able to help others on their journey to better health and happiness, so here I am doing it!
I hope you'll share with us the wonderful things you'll experience by incorporating our Gel into your daily routine.

Cheers to a healthier you!